5 Money Saving Tips for Students

I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I didn't realise the true value of budgeting or saving money until I started university. Of course, my parents taught me a few tricks here and there, but that was when I didn't have any avenue of income so my parents were still in control of my money.

Now that I'm in university and getting my own income, I've since learned how to tackle the issue of saving money and its those tips that I wish to share with all my fellow uni students because no, you needn't subsist on ramen for the next three years of your university life if you follow these very easy steps!

1 | Buy Secondhand Textbooks

I don't know why people don't do this more often because buying secondhand books saves you so, so much money. I've never bought a brand new textbook and because of that, I've probably saved close to $1000, no joke. I know some people who are completely averse to buying secondhand books which doesn't make sense because 1) most textbooks you buy secondhand are in near perfect condition and 2) older editions are just as good where especially in an anatomy context, not much will have changed between older and more newer, revised editions.

I always find textbooks to purchase roughly 2 weeks before the semester begins, depending on the unit. Some units will release their book lists really early but you can also find that sort of information on the unit's handbook page, granted that the unit coordinator hasn't made any major changes to the curriculum so you'd best wait until uni starts if that's not the case.

I buy my textbooks from either Gumtree or Student VIP, where for the latter, you can just meet up with the person you're buying the book from on campus. Another tip is to sell the textbooks you've used previously and no longer need, especially if they're textbooks from electives.

2 | Budget, Budget, Budget

Write down the amount of money you currently have in your possession and divide it out between what you definitely need to purchase, what you don't really need to purchase but want anyway because hey, you gotta treat yourself sometimes and what you absolutely must place into your savings. For the things you definitely need to spend your money on (textbooks, phone bill, petrol money, food etc.), you can keep it in a separate account to your savings to ensure that you don't overspend or unnecessarily dip into your savings.

Seriously, if you don't budget your money, what the heck are you doing with your life??!!

3 | Make Your Own Breakfast

Oh, the temptation to go to the newly opened super chic cafe across the road that sells coffee for $5 and bread rolls for $15. Please, don't do this. Make your own, super cheap, super healthy breakfast at home. You can have something as simple as granola with yogurt and chopped fruit or eggs on toast. Even if it's just a banana, or two, you'll save a whole lot of money if you forgo the smashed avo for a cheaper alternative. But hey, if you budget well, you'll be able to get a smashed avo every now and then.

4 | Sign-up for Student Discounts

This one is a no-brainer and I'm 99% sure every student already knows about this, but if you sign up to websites like unidays, that'll save you money when you're in dire need of clothes for the new semester. You get 10% off from sites such as ASOS and The Iconic, whereupon you can use the discount code as many times as you like. It's a life saver, basically.

Also, keep an eye out for any discounts from organisations/businesses that your student guild has affiliations with. I know with my guild, we get discounts from fast food restaurants, gym memberships, even for skydiving places if you're an adrenaline junkie.

5 | Have a Pre's

I mean, I'm not advocating excessive alcohol consumption but let's be real here, we're students so we're bound to go out every now and then. Well, when you do go out for the night, having a pre's will save you a couple of dollars especially when each of your friends bring in a pack of drinks to share. And besides, sometimes pre's are the best part of the night!

I hope you enjoyed these quick and simple tips I've shared with you all today. I do every single one of the things I've mentioned and can certainly vouch for their effectiveness. I've gotten much better in terms of saving money, as I am more aware of its value, and it's enabled me to get by in university without having to sacrifice too many things.

Deciding whether or not I should purchase four different makeup palettes or save that money for holiday,

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